Verywell Health. 2020. How Many Different Types Of Flu Are There?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 June 2020].
We are a team of 5 students on a mission to spread awareness and educate the public about the spread and impact of influenza through our mathematical study. We chose this medium to present our analysis as we think it is the most efficient as it is available to anyone, anywhere. This research based learning nourished our cooperative skills and allowed us to work with students of different abilities. It prepared us for similar projects upcoming in the future. The research investigation enabled us to implement a more empathetic perspective on the world and helped broaden our understanding on the effects of influenza. This project links to the UAE 2021 national agenda in which their main aim is to have a world class health care system. The Agenda aims to reduce the prevalence of diseases, and increase the healthcare system's readiness to deal with epidemics and health risks. The national Agenda emphasizes the importance of preventive medicine and seeks to reduce lifestyle related disea...
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